1-on-1 Scolio-Pilates Sessions

Where There’s A Lot Of Hope For Scoliosis

Young Or Mature, Braced Or Unbraced, Fused Or Unfused, We Know You Are Stronger Than Scoliosis, And We Are Here To Help You Prove It.

Scolio-Pilates is a three-dimensional scoliosis-specific exercise program that will put you in control of your scoliosis. It is an easy and accessible scoliosis exercise program for managing scoliosis at home or in a professional setting.

A New Scoliosis Client Assessment is REQUIRED before booking a Scolio-Pilates session. Scroll down to learn more about the benefits of Scolio-Pilates.

  • Manage your Scoliosis

    With Scolio-Pilates, you will learn a tailored program for managing your scoliosis using these techniques:

    Elongate: Lengthen the spine towards neutral.

    Corrective Breathing Techniques: Open up areas of the ribs and lungs that are constrained due to the scoliosis.

    Correct the rotation: Using wedges to assist the spine towards neutral.

    Strengthening: Maintain alignment and gain ease of movement to increase function in all your life’s passions.

  • Benefits of Scolio-Pilates

    With Scolio-Pilates, you will learn and practice exercises that you will use in your everyday life. Benefits of Scolio-Pilates may include:

    Improved postural awareness

    Pain reduction

    Improved symmetry of tissues

    Improved endurance and tolerance of activities

    Improved breathing capacity

    Improved strength and flexibility

    Pro-active management during your scoliosis journey (non-fusion/brace/fusion)

It all begins with signing up and taking control.